Webinar «Where Is the EU-Mercosur FTA Going?»
Webinar #4 of the ‘EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement’ Series
Date: December 1st
Time: 10 am ARG / 2 pm CEST
Language: English
Via: Zoom
Registration at Eventbrite
About this webinar
It is recognised that the main concerns that surround the EU–Mercosur FTA relate to the deforestation of the Amazon, the overall intensive agro-industrial model of the Mercosur countries, and Brazil’s weak commitment to the Paris Agreement under President Jair Bolsonaro. The scope of its trade and sustainable development (TSD) chapter is seen to be both limited, and its enforcement mechanisms too weak. However, it can be argued that there is currently no trade agreement that could solve the Mercosur countries’ many crucial climate and environmental challenges. However, if the EU is to take its sustainable development – and new green deal – objectives seriously, it has every opportunity to leverage its trade power – and tools – to the fullest extent.
Consequently, The European Commission has at hand an opportunity to utilise all the legal instruments to guarantee strong TSD commitments from the Mercosur countries: this includes strong monitoring and implementation procedures using the joint association agreement (AA) bodies. At a time of global tension, this is an opportunity to create calm through strong collaboration and exchange that tackles the multiple issues of climate change, environmental degradation and the diminishing services of the biosphere simultaneously alongside improving the well-being of millions who rely upon peace, security, and shared prosperity. To develop peoples’ talents, foster diversity and nurture creativity sustained by a strong market economy that offers all people real choices.
Moderator: Dr Maria Aranzazu Gomez Arana, Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University (TBC)
Speaker: Martín Piñeiro, Chair of the Committee on Agrarian Affairs of CARI
‘EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement’ Series
Negotiations on the free trade agreement between the EU and the Mercosur nations of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay has taken more than 20 years. For many this free trade agreement is seen to undermine the EU’s climate ambitions as well as be a threat to sustainably on the South American continent. The series of webinars will deliver accurate and validated specialist knowledge on this Agreement, the criticism it has provoked and its impact on the climate and environment. In addition to the webinars, a series of papers will be published written by the experts.
The Four webinars will discuss:
Protectionism – does it show its face?
How can cooperation strengthen food security?
Free trade as a tool to save the environment
Where is the EU / Mercosur FTA going and why does it matter?
Organized by:
The Paddy Ashdown Forum
Grupo de Países Productores del Sur (GPS)
European Liberal Forum (ELF)