Innovative Approaches to Student Success in Europe


Innovative Approaches to Student Success in Europe

November 23, 2023 (Brussels, Belgium)  —  We Are Innovation, a dynamic network comprising over 30 think tanks, foundations, and NGOs, is excited to announce the publication of a significant literature review: “Non-academic Influence On Educational Outcomes In The European Union: An Integrated Approach.” This work by authors Anderson Noel Riverol, Juan Pablo Molero, and José Alberto León delves into the multifaceted impacts of non-academic factors on students’ performance in the European Union’s education systems.

In a world where schools are under immense pressure to deliver outstanding results amidst burgeoning diversity, this review critically examines whether traditional teaching methods suffice in preparing students for a rapidly evolving 21st century. Utilizing a blend of qualitative analysis and bibliographic review, the authors offer a sophisticated examination of the interplay between lifestyle, cognitive function, and academic success, with the aim of enhancing educational policy and practice.

Riverol notes, “Education extends beyond the classroom walls. We must consider the holistic well-being of students to truly unlock their potential.” Molero adds, “Our findings reveal that integrating aspects like nutrition and physical health into the curriculum can significantly boost cognitive abilities and academic performance.” León emphasizes, “It is high time for educational systems to evolve, embracing more inclusive and adaptive teaching methods that cater to the varied needs of all learners.”

The review advocates for a comprehensive understanding of students, addressing issues like school failure and high dropout rates, particularly among neurodivergent learners. It underscores the importance of incorporating ‘brain-boosting’ routines, including good nutrition, exercise, and sufficient sleep, into students’ daily lives.

This literature review does more than just highlight flaws; it challenges deep-seated assumptions within the European Union’s education framework. It presents a thought-provoking analysis and stimulates discussions around innovative, creative reforms in education. The authors propose a bold vision for the future, one that nurtures every student’s growth on their own terms.

We Are Innovation is proud to support this significant work, which could potentially reshape education policies for generations to come. This review is a call to action for educators, policymakers, and society at large to rethink and revitalize the way we approach education.



We Are Innovation is a dynamic network of individuals and institutions who fervently believe in the power of innovation to drive progress and solve the world’s most pressing problems. With a global presence encompassing over 30 think tanks, foundations, and NGOs, We Are Innovation represents the diverse voices of a global civil society committed to advancing human creativity, embracing new technologies, and promoting innovative solutions. Through our collaborative approach and cutting-edge expertise, we are spearheading transformative change on a global scale. To learn more about our work, visit us at