Forging a Path to Prosperity: We Are Innovation and IEL’s United Front for Ukraine’s Economic Transformation


Forging a Path to Prosperity: We Are Innovation and IEL’s United Front for Ukraine’s Economic Transformation

Kyiv, Ukraine (June 27, 2024) — We Are Innovation, a global innovation alliance dedicated to fostering entrepreneurial growth, is thrilled to announce a new partner in Ukraine: the Institute of Economic Leadership (IEL). In a challenging time caused by the full-scale war in Ukraine, this new collaboration marks a significant step towards fostering innovation and promoting economic development through joint efforts in reducing government regulation and empowering entrepreneurial initiatives.

The We Are Innovation and the Institute of Economic Leadership partnership aims to create an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship in Ukraine. By leveraging the expertise of both organizations, they aim to streamline regulatory norms, advocate for pro-growth policies, and promote an economic landscape that encourages human creativity and innovation.

Federico N. Fernandez, the CEO of We Are Innovation, expresses his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, ’Our collaboration with the Institute of Economic Leadership aligns with our vision of empowering entrepreneurship and fostering innovation. By working together, we aim to create better conditions for Ukrainian advocates, entrepreneurs, and youth to thrive in a conducive environment that values innovative solutions despite the testing war times.’

Mykhailo Lavrovsky, the CEO of the Institute of Economic Leadership, shared his aspirations, ‘The Institute of Economic Leadership is grateful for the opportunity to join the We Are Innovation network. In Ukraine, we strive to create institutions that empower individuals and entrepreneurs, not bureaucrats, fostering an environment where innovation can thrive. Our efforts in reducing government regulation, advocating for a 10% flat tax, optimizing public spending, and studying the phenomenon of the nanny state align with the principles of free thinking and entrepreneurship that are essential for fostering innovation in Ukraine.’

Uliana Kostenko, the COO at the Institute of Economic Leadership, adds, ‘By joining the We Are Innovation network, the Institute for Economic Leadership aims to show that even during the war, innovation and economic freedom remain important for Ukraine. Moreover, with the breaking out of the full-scale Russian aggression, they acquired even greater importance, because in order to win over the source of political and economic freedom, we need to become freer. That is why we conduct and support research aimed at identifying ways to increase economic freedom and support entrepreneurs.’

Through this collaboration, We Are Innovation, and the Institute of Economic Leadership aim to drive positive change in the Ukrainian innovation and entrepreneurial landscape by advocating for policies and initiatives that promote freedom, creativity, and innovation.



The Institute of Economic Leadership is a Ukrainian-based think tank that believes that economic freedom is a proven formula for human development and progress. The organization cherishes the principles of responsible leadership because only responsible leaders can change Ukraine and the world for the better. The IEL also stands for the protection of taxpayers’ rights and believes that taxation in Ukraine should be minimal, stable, and predictable. Learn more about the work of the Institute of Economic Leadership via the link: 


We Are Innovation is a dynamic network of individuals and institutions who fervently believe in the power of innovation to drive progress and solve the world’s most pressing problems. With a global presence encompassing over 40 think tanks, foundations, and NGOs, We Are Innovation represents the diverse voices of a global civil society committed to advancing human creativity, embracing new technologies, and promoting innovative solutions. Through our collaborative approach and cutting-edge expertise, we are spearheading transformative change on a global scale. To learn more about our work, visit us at